Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What stuffed toy do you sleep with?

Who still sleeps with his teddybear? I'm 19 and I still do it. Somehow it just feels right.

My pic is related, OP is a fa**ot who will never get laid.

I sleep with a bear. I am not gay.

Stuffed Penguin :3

My pic is related, OP is a fa**ot who will never get laid.

False. I already got laid. Just not in my bed though.

My pic is related, OP is a fa**ot who will never get laid.

>wake up with a bear
>pull the cover off with my paws
>other bear rolls over
>was it good for you?
>have another tumble with hot ass bear

i sleep with a stuffed monkey, giant microbe, and valentine bear my gf got me. ^.^ they so cute!

I sleep with a cat sometimes, a real one though.

My pic is related, OP is a fa**ot who will never get laid.

>implying thread was not made by a cumdumpster

18 year old hetero male. Two stuffed dogs and a seal. They so awesome. :3

I do. I lost my childhood teddy when I moved out of my apartment:(
My boyfriend got me his from his childhood.
I can't sleep without holding onto it.

>implying thread was not made by a cumdumpster

OP here. I'm not actually.
>implying this is not me

I still have a stuffed Dilophosaurus I got when I was 8 from the Jurassic Park section of Universal Studies. As far as bedtime stuffed animals go, that one's pretty manly.
For those of you who don't know what that one was, it was the dinosaur that vomited projectile acid at sh*t.

I still have a stuffed Dilophosaurus I got when I was 8 from the Jurassic Park section of Universal Studies. As far as bedtime stuffed animals go, that one's pretty manly.
For those of you who don't know what that one was, it was the dinosaur that vomited projectile acid at sh*t.

F**k yeah I had that exact same one.

i do. postnotblala

I miss my pink elephant stuffed animal.

No longer sleep with him, but I've had him since I was two and he has survived several misadventures
1. When I was four he got blue dye almost spilt all over him. I actually threw myself into the dye to rescue him as soon as I saw it falling - he ended up with ear getting badly splashed (the stain still evident) whereas I ended up splotchy and blue for about eight weeks.
2. When I was six he got left in a public toilet at Kmart, and I got locked in the store after hours after slipping away from my parents and going back for him.
3. When I was Seven he went up in flames after my uncle showed us how to make Molotov C**ktails one Christmas - there's still singed "fur" around his tail where the spark landed.
4. When I was ten he fell into a river, I found him half a kilometre downstream, caught in a branch.
These days I'm 21 and he sits on top of my bookcase. I love that soft toy... It's is to me as Bobo is to Mr. Burns. I'll never lose him, abuse him or risk destroying him again.

No longer sleep with him, but I've had him since I was two and he has survived several misadventures
1. When I was four he got blue dye almost spilt all over him. I actually threw myself into the dye to rescue him as soon as I saw it falling - he ended up with ear getting badly splashed (the stain still evident) whereas I ended up splotchy and blue for about eight weeks.
2. When I was six he got left in a public toilet at Kmart, and I got locked in the store after hours after slipping away from my parents and going back for him.
3. When I was Seven he went up in flames after my uncle showed us how to make Molotov C**ktails one Christmas - there's still singed "fur" around his tail where the spark landed.
4. When I was ten he fell into a river, I found him half a kilometre downstream, caught in a branch.
These days I'm 21 and he sits on top of my bookcase. I love that soft toy... It's is to me as Bobo is to Mr. Burns. I'll never lose him, abuse him or risk destroying him again.

I bet he has his own tv show all about his adventures.

I bet he has his own tv show all about his adventures.

I remember once they weren't sh*t. But now they are.

No longer sleep with him, but I've had him since I was two and he has survived several misadventures
1. When I was four he got blue dye almost spilt all over him. I actually threw myself into the dye to rescue him as soon as I saw it falling - he ended up with ear getting badly splashed (the stain still evident) whereas I ended up splotchy and blue for about eight weeks.
2. When I was six he got left in a public toilet at Kmart, and I got locked in the store after hours after slipping away from my parents and going back for him.
3. When I was Seven he went up in flames after my uncle showed us how to make Molotov C**ktails one Christmas - there's still singed "fur" around his tail where the spark landed.
4. When I was ten he fell into a river, I found him half a kilometre downstream, caught in a branch.
These days I'm 21 and he sits on top of my bookcase. I love that soft toy... It's is to me as Bobo is to Mr. Burns. I'll never lose him, abuse him or risk destroying him again.

f**k yeah.
that dog sounds awesome.

No longer sleep with him, but I've had him since I was two and he has survived several misadventures
1. When I was four he got blue dye almost spilt all over him. I actually threw myself into the dye to rescue him as soon as I saw it falling - he ended up with ear getting badly splashed (the stain still evident) whereas I ended up splotchy and blue for about eight weeks.
2. When I was six he got left in a public toilet at Kmart, and I got locked in the store after hours after slipping away from my parents and going back for him.
3. When I was Seven he went up in flames after my uncle showed us how to make Molotov C**ktails one Christmas - there's still singed "fur" around his tail where the spark landed.
4. When I was ten he fell into a river, I found him half a kilometre downstream, caught in a branch.
These days I'm 21 and he sits on top of my bookcase. I love that soft toy... It's is to me as Bobo is to Mr. Burns. I'll never lose him, abuse him or risk destroying him again.

I have a small Tigger teddy my exboyfriend gave to me that I sleep with when my boyfriend isn't around. I don't sleep with it due to feelings for my ex, just because it makes me feel not alone.

I remember having pretend school and teaching my stuffed animals all about the sh*t I learned in school. Ah man, I the joys of not being allowed outside as a kid.

I have a giant, 10year old child sized bear that I sleep with in my bed.
It makes for good cuddling when I'm feeling alone. Which is alot lately, since my boyfriend of two years recently broke up with me.
I also have a bunch of teddy bears in my closet, but only the 'important' ones. I used to have HUNDREDS of teddy bears. Literally, shelving all across the top of my room was covered in teddy animals.
I've grown up, gotten rid of most, and just kept the ones that actually mean something to me. And they stay mostly hidden.

I remember having pretend school and teaching my stuffed animals all about the sh*t I learned in school. Ah man, I the joys of not being allowed outside as a kid.

Stewie, that you?

I still have a stuffed Dilophosaurus I got when I was 8 from the Jurassic Park section of Universal Studies. As far as bedtime stuffed animals go, that one's pretty manly.
For those of you who don't know what that one was, it was the dinosaur that vomited projectile acid at sh*t.

They actually made a teddy bear for THAT dinosaur? Wow. That was the only dinosaur that made me extremely uncomfortable as a child when I watched Jurassic Park.
And I was a huge dinosaur freak back then. Still am, actually, minor in paleontology. Woo.

Who still sleeps with his teddybear? I'm 19 and I still do it. Somehow it just feels right.

I sleep with a stuffed rabbit.
I'ave had that rabbit since before my first birthday. It's just comfortable to sleep with.
Haters gonna hate.

I still have a sh*tton of stuffed animals and they're still one of my favorite gifts to receive.
The only one I really sleep with is 'Fuzzilla', a giant teddybear I bought for myself on my birthday a couple years ago. I threw up on him recently when I got wasted and had to wash him, but he doesn't mind.
I sleep with him every night because it's uncomfortable to fall asleep cuddling with my boyfriend, so we just exchange kisses and I wrap around Fuzzilla.

I still have a sh*tton of stuffed animals and they're still one of my favorite gifts to receive.
The only one I really sleep with is 'Fuzzilla', a giant teddybear I bought for myself on my birthday a couple years ago. I threw up on him recently when I got wasted and had to wash him, but he doesn't mind.
I sleep with him every night because it's uncomfortable to fall asleep cuddling with my boyfriend, so we just exchange kisses and I wrap around Fuzzilla.

Wow. Is it weird that I'd actually be quite jealous of your teddy bear if I were him? For some reason that would really bother me.
I guess depending on how long you've been together.

Wow. Is it weird that I'd actually be quite jealous of your teddy bear if I were him? For some reason that would really bother me.
I guess depending on how long you've been together.

No, we've tried cuddling, and it's more that neither of us can sleep that way... too many bones. He told me right off he can't cuddle to fall asleep, and I'm fine with that.

No, we've tried cuddling, and it's more that neither of us can sleep that way... too many bones. He told me right off he can't cuddle to fall asleep, and I'm fine with that.

both my boyfriend and I start off cuddling then turn over to our body pillows so we can strangle them with our skinny bony bodies.
f**k yea body pillows

I sleep with a stuffed rabbit.
I'ave had that rabbit since before my first birthday. It's just comfortable to sleep with.
Haters gonna hate.

Are you me?
My rabbit is light blue what about yours?

I wish I had a bear suit.

I hear guys love bitches who sleep with stuffed animals.

I hear guys love bitches who sleep with stuffed animals.

Do they...

Do they...

I hope so ;_;

These two stuffed animals were once identical. The one on the left was given to me when I was an infant, and I still sleep with it. The other--its long-lost twin--was recently given to me by my grandmother.

Haven't had a teddy bear since I left it in singapore airport back in '92
Badass koala was badass. I cried buckets

I hear guys love bitches who sleep with stuffed animals.

Speaking for myself, I could honestly care less.

Speaking for myself, I could honestly care less.

COULDN'T care less.
Holy sh*t this grammar

I have had "Pink Doll' since I was born. Never leaves my bed. Used to not be flat.

I sleep with a stuffed pig. Bears are over rated. I've been craving a sock monkey though...

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