Saturday, September 4, 2010

How do you organize your files?

How are your files organized on your computer?

haha that's a clever idea.

*Music (iTunes manages this)
--------(folders for each class)
--------(Resumes, applications, ect.)
-------(my research is organized here)
----(Dated folders for my pictures)

I really just organize my music.
Artist\year - album\track# - Trackname
Everything else is just thrown in a folder, like "Movies"

Normal until I get to web or photoshop sh*t.
web folder is one giant mess.
Photoshop folder is divided into school, personal, and what the sh*t is this.

*Music (iTunes manages this)
--------(folders for each class)
--------(Resumes, applications, ect.)
-------(my research is organized here)
----(Dated folders for my pictures)

------(mostly legal stuff is here)
------(pirated software)
----(Dated folders for financial reccords and taxes)
--------(files pertaining to academic and financial records of my education)

*Music (iTunes manages this)
--------(folders for each class)
--------(Resumes, applications, ect.)
-------(my research is organized here)
----(Dated folders for my pictures)

pretty much same for me, except I have an entire partition for my music.

anybody else have input on organization?

this is too personal for me to reveal. even anonymously.

Everything goes into ~/Documents or ~/Downloads. If I need to find a file I use spotlight.

--(Anon's Folder)
----folders for programs I use (just utilities for this comp, games on other comp)
----DS (here I have all my stuff for hacking my DS, video game OSTs, and I toss web pics in here)
----Music (only 32GB)
------unorganized files
----Torrents (every torrent I dl goes into here. ~90% music, 9% movies, 1% other, 135GB)

Everything goes into ~/Documents or ~/Downloads. If I need to find a file I use spotlight.

Typical mac user: Us windows users are superior
Documents: all my documents go here, somewhat organzed, I just look by date usually
Porn: I have a lot of porn images, but all of them are a few years old. I use a new porn folder these days
B: All my mudkipz go here
PornVids: All my torrented porn vids go here

Anybody else got an organization system?

lol organized...

pic related its my f**king awesome desktop

I have several hundred images on my desktop. Does that answer your question?

Every time I run out of room for my individual icons I buy a new monitor if I don't feel like deleting anything. I currently have 4 monitors full of sh*t.

You know... reasonably.
A folder for music. It has music in it, organized by genre or artists.
A folder for video. It has subfolders for shorts, music videos, movies, collections, and etc.
A folder for documents. Mostly things are just thrown in here. A subfolder, organized by year and subject, for schoolwork. A separate subfolder for ebooks.
A folder for pictures. The biggest subfolder being misc. Separate subfolders for baw, chan humor, wallpapers, and collections.
Porn in a truecrypt partition organized by media.

Every time I run out of room for my individual icons I buy a new monitor if I don't feel like deleting anything. I currently have 4 monitors full of sh*t.

you are myh hero...if it only would be true

lol organized...

pic related its my f**king awesome desktop

Ja hallo herr nazi. Hast du die fruhstuck ungeklarrt?

I have several hundred images on my desktop. Does that answer your question?

I'm exactly the same as this guy, except I'm so lazy I have two monitors now.

Ja hallo herr nazi. Hast du die fruhstuck ungeklarrt?

>>Ja hallo herr nazi. Hast du die fruhstuck ungeklarrt?
yes hello mr nazi. Have you **** the breakfast?
ungeklarrt is no german word

They're not, and I f**king hate you for reminding me of this

Ive got a 10 folder deep archive for all kinds of sh*t. Great for keeping track but bad for taking long time access.

>>Ja hallo herr nazi. Hast du die fruhstuck ungeklarrt?
yes hello mr nazi. Have you **** the breakfast?
ungeklarrt is no german word

Nein, du bist ein dumkopf wie nicht weisse about meine ungeklarrt!

Nein, du bist ein dumkopf wie nicht weisse about meine ungeklarrt!

Turk detected

The Alchemy - Work related anything
The Profound - Random sh*t plus some stuff I made.
The Stream - Media.

too much spare time

too much spare time

you have good taste.

documents -> Old Stuff (by class), Current Stuff (by class), Personal Stuff
pictures -> Funny, information, school things
videos -> movies (alphabetical), tv shows (alphabetical), Star trek (gets its own folder), music videos, funny clips
music -> by artist alphabetically
ISO and disk images -> alphabetically
downloads -> utorrent folder, firefox/chrome downlaods
Games -> listed by frequency of use
this is just on my laptop...

too much spare time

too much spare time

Why only CoP ?

Why only CoP ?



you only have one S.T.A.L.K.E.R installed :(

you only have one S.T.A.L.K.E.R installed :(

Naw, I got SoH in Steam. Somebody gifted it to me.

Naw, I got SoH in Steam. Somebody gifted it to me.


Naw, I got SoH in Steam. Somebody gifted it to me.

Fair enough bro. Continue being a badass.

Program files
My pictures
Shortcuts to all my essential programs organized into clusters by category (creative work, office, internet/communication, common utilities, and other drives). Everything else is workspace to organize whatever files I'm currently using.
Desktop folders:
University (sub folders by year and semester).
Files (personal directory and random notes)
D: all other data
Images (camera photos)
all programs & work on C: everything else on D:

I have 4 hard drives:
300GB Velociraptor - OS Stuff and game/program installs
1GB WD - Music (sorted by genre, yes I am that picky), program/game install files (mostly .iso's, which I have TONS of)
1GB WD - Pictures (sorted by type, each file named and tagged for quick web access), Movies (all in format of [name] - [year]), Documents (including school stuff, sorted by semester), Shows (sorted by seasons)
250GB Samsung - I use this for solely for downloads and torrents since it's super quiet and doesn't bother me clicking away all night
Also, I rename EVERYTHING as soon as I download something. I can't stand periods or underscores in file names (lol OCD).

Program files
My pictures
Shortcuts to all my essential programs organized into clusters by category (creative work, office, internet/communication, common utilities, and other drives). Everything else is workspace to organize whatever files I'm currently using.
Desktop folders:
University (sub folders by year and semester).
Files (personal directory and random notes)
D: all other data
Images (camera photos)
all programs & work on C: everything else on D:
I have 4 hard drives:
300GB Velociraptor - OS Stuff and game/program installs
1GB WD - Music (sorted by genre, yes I am that picky), program/game install files (mostly .iso's, which I have TONS of)
1GB WD - Pictures (sorted by type, each file named and tagged for quick web access), Movies (all in format of [name] - [year]), Documents (including school stuff, sorted by semester), Shows (sorted by seasons)
250GB Samsung - I use this for solely for downloads and torrents since it's super quiet and doesn't bother me clicking away all night
Also, I rename EVERYTHING as soon as I download something. I can't stand periods or underscores in file names (lol OCD).
I hate when people release things with retarded labels.
I always rename everything.
Film = Title - year
Music = Artist - Song name
I sort music by artist, then album. Film/Video Game OST's are grouped together. I then produce common playlists and export them.

Seperate folders for pretty much everything from personal pics to text documents to web crap.

too much spare time

slumdog millionaire :|

I have an 80GB ssd that windows is on, as well as all my games and such
Then I'm rocking a 1TB hdd that has everything else. D:/Images has all my porn, D:/Images/NotPorn has all my not porn images. Sh*t is good.

Desktop: See image
(Taken from a long time ago, still the same)
External Hard drive (1TB, used up 310GB)

---tanned girls
--funny pics
--disgusting pics
--interesting pics

slumdog millionaire :|


I never really understood why you people keep isos and watched movies on your computer. They only take space, can be easily obtained again and act as a cop magnet.

I never really understood why you people keep isos and watched movies on your computer. They only take space, can be easily obtained again and act as a cop magnet.

I totally agree. I download a ton of sh*t from newsgroups, but I always delete it after I get done...except porn, it sticks around for a tad.

Everything's on my external TB.
>crypt (where I keep truecrypt containers full of porn, photos, etc)
>disk images
>video games
>installed versions of every program I use
>assorted text files
>my torrents while they are still downloading or seeding

D: nothing but music, Part of C: for rest of music
Pictures in Pictures folder labeled by the board I got them from and subdivided according to some criteria([a/ organized by series)
E-Books in My Documents under books
Papers on desktop, My Documents, and backed up on flash drive.
1TB external hard drive with backup of my music, anime, movies, and backups of books.
Flash drives have school papers, emulator and roms, and a small assortment of stuff I swap between myself and others.
Having gone through losing data once before(hard drive died on my granspa laptop) I'm a bit more careful about backing stuff up. Its a pain but its actually come through a couple times since I'm retarded and accidentally delete stuff all the time.
Also passwords on everything. Can't have anyone know about my animu, and certainly not my loli.

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