Monday, September 13, 2010

Blame SleepGuy for lucid dreaming

I don't know if you guys have been reading the "Sleepguy" or whatever threads the past two days, but ever since I read them I've been experiencing more and more lucid dreams. Last night I had incredibly lucid dreams and it sucked.
I want to sleep goddammit, I don't want to hang out with my friends in a football stadium and then try to pop the pimple behind my eye. F**k that sh*t.
If this "Sleepman" guy is going to ruin my dreams, then I say let's ruin his! It's time to invade his world and ruin his wind skating and movies that seem suspiciously a lot like the movie "Taken."
Who's with me!?

okay bro, lets meet in that dream where you wear no clothes and are a hot girl that wants to have sex with me

Hi Sleepguy. It's cute that you're trying to samef** like this, but in the real world we can tell that you're posting as a samef**. Only in your dreams would you get away with something as obvious as this, not get out you attentionf**/liar.

Stop reading his threads?

Hi Sleepguy. It's cute that you're trying to samef** like this, but in the real world we can tell that you're posting as a samef**. Only in your dreams would you get away with something as obvious as this, not get out you attentionf**/liar.

OP here, I'm not samef**ging and I'm not sleepdude. I just woke up from a second night of lucid dreaming. Sh*t sucks, I want it to stop.
Let's destroy his world!

Hi Sleepguy. It's cute that you're trying to samef** like this, but in the real world we can tell that you're posting as a samef**. Only in your dreams would you get away with something as obvious as this, not get out you attentionf**/liar.

Stop reading his threads?

see ya op
image related

Could you tell me some more about those 'sleepguy threads'?

Could you tell me some more about those 'sleepguy threads'?

guy came in here *claiming* he hit his head when he was little, developed the opposite of insomnia, and began having consistent lucid dreaming.
So, he sleeps 20 hours a day and posts on web when he's "awake", but to him he's awake 20 hours a day in this dream world of his and posts on web when he's "asleep."

Yeah, this guy is complete bullsh*t. I'm a writer, and maybe a few years ago I would try some kind of fantasy bullsh*t like this to get attention on web but I'm beyond that. Sleepguy isn't even f**king original, I've thought of this exact idea before. He's probably just frustrated that he can't actually have lucid dreams so he decided to pretend he can have them and get attention on web at the same time.

I had a completely lucid dream last night, where I was at this pot dealer's place with my friend (who is a massive dope fiend - I smoke pot a bit, but I'm hardly a hard-core-stoner or anything, and I have no idea where to get pot from other than him) and I was counting my money, when some absolutely gorgeous girl (like, literally beyond perfect) grabbed a 2 dollar coin from my pile. I grabbed her arm, took the coin back, and said "I think I deserve a kiss for my trouble". She stopped, looked at me for a second, and said "I think you do too." and we made out for about half an hour. We bought some pot together and left for her place, but on the taxi ride there, a f**king spider bit me in real life and I woke up.
God f**king damn it.

Yeah, this guy is complete bullsh*t. I'm a writer, and maybe a few years ago I would try some kind of fantasy bullsh*t like this to get attention on web but I'm beyond that. Sleepguy isn't even f**king original, I've thought of this exact idea before. He's probably just frustrated that he can't actually have lucid dreams so he decided to pretend he can have them and get attention on web at the same time.

Yeah, this guy is complete bullsh*t. I'm a writer, and maybe a few years ago I would try some kind of fantasy bullsh*t like this to get attention on web but I'm beyond that. Sleepguy isn't even f**king original, I've thought of this exact idea before. He's probably just frustrated that he can't actually have lucid dreams so he decided to pretend he can have them and get attention on web at the same time.

Yeah, this guy is complete bullsh*t. I'm a writer, and maybe a few years ago I would try some kind of fantasy bullsh*t like this to get attention on web but I'm beyond that. Sleepguy isn't even f**king original, I've thought of this exact idea before. He's probably just frustrated that he can't actually have lucid dreams so he decided to pretend he can have them and get attention on web at the same time.

This seems pretty likely now that I think about it.

Sleepydude is saging this thread in his dreams, no doubt.

Yeah, this guy is complete bullsh*t. I'm a writer, and maybe a few years ago I would try some kind of fantasy bullsh*t like this to get attention on web but I'm beyond that. Sleepguy isn't even f**king original, I've thought of this exact idea before. He's probably just frustrated that he can't actually have lucid dreams so he decided to pretend he can have them and get attention on web at the same time.

>Sleepguy isn't even f**king original,
>I've thought of this exact idea before

I had a completely lucid dream last night, where I was at this pot dealer's place with my friend (who is a massive dope fiend - I smoke pot a bit, but I'm hardly a hard-core-stoner or anything, and I have no idea where to get pot from other than him) and I was counting my money, when some absolutely gorgeous girl (like, literally beyond perfect) grabbed a 2 dollar coin from my pile. I grabbed her arm, took the coin back, and said "I think I deserve a kiss for my trouble". She stopped, looked at me for a second, and said "I think you do too." and we made out for about half an hour. We bought some pot together and left for her place, but on the taxi ride there, a f**king spider bit me in real life and I woke up.
God f**king damn it.

OP here, reminds me of my lucid dream from the night before.
Found myself hanging out with some shady mother f**kers who were smoking drugs or some sh*t. Sat and watched TV with them, some girls came over. I went to bathroom and one girl jumped in and started coming on to me. I was like "hell yeah!" and she was all "oh yeah, you like my ass?" and shoving her ass in my crotch.
And then she stopped, turned to me, looked me dead in the eye and said in a monotone deadpan voice:
"Young women in underprivileged communities are sometimes taught special skill sets applicable to their urban life style."
and it totally caught me off guard and I go "Wha-" but she interrupted me with:
I SWEAR that's true. At that point my girlfriend woke me up in real life and I was like "f**k.."
Also, I'm not black, so I don't know why she called me a "nigga."

I've been having some pretty f**ked up lucid-ish dreams lately too. Last night/this morning I had two.
I'm female, so I had a dream I was donating my eggs and was going to make $400,000 dollars somehow doing it. But they ended up doing something wrong, and implanted some guy's semen into my ear (don't ask it didn't make sense) and so they had to check to make sure there was nothing wrong with my brain. They ended up finding and removing both a scorpion and a rat fetus. I woke up in horror, then fell back asleep.
Then my other dream was that it was the day of one of my final exams, except one of my other teachers approached me and told me I had to take his exam first (and that I would have no time to study for the second one) so I was stressing out about finishing it. Then I ran into the bathroom and my roommates kept trying to show me some f**king cat they found while I was trying to crap. :/

I had a lucid dream that I made a turkey, chicken, mayo, and grape jelly sandwich.
It was ok.

I had a lucid dream that I made a turkey, chicken, mayo, and grape jelly sandwich.
It was ok.

what the f**k

what the f**k

He's American. Think Jam.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I once had a lucid dream where I killed a guy. I'm still doing prison time for it.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I had three Lucid dreams, i named them Milton, Malfred, and Mixalot. They died though :(

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

My mom gave me a lucid dream once. she told me if I took care if it, one day I'll be able to give it to my children too.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I remember back in college I got really sick. My doctor told me to take two lucid dreams after dinner and call him in the morning.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

Just woke up and took a cold Lucid Dream. Nothing like a cold Lucid Dream and a hot coffee to get you up in the morning.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I once had a lucid dream but I lost it while on holiday, feels bad man

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I met this girl and we hit it off pretty well. I took her out and she called me all the time. I asked her if we were dating, but she told me she couldn't because she had Lucid Dreams.


ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

The other day I was walking down the street minding my own business when, out of nowhere, this huge ni**er walks up behind me and hits me in the back of a head with a Lucid Dream. I'm not racist but dude, f**k.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

>one of the posters
Mine was lucid, in that I was fully aware what was going on and that I was dreaming, but the situation was really f**ked up. :/

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I hear the most effective way to roast a steak is with Lucid Dreams.

I've only had a few dreams I became lucid in and I usually quickly lose it.
It usually happens when I'm very tired so for some reason my line of logic is 'Oh this is just a dream, I'm going to bed now". About the time I get in bed I lose lucidity and start dreaming again. You'd think the abrupt transitions in scenery would bring me back to lucidity but everything makes sense in dreams, very strange.
Another time I had a dream and woke up(at my old house) and started getting ready for the day only to wake up for real in the dorm room. That threw me off a bit.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I just came back from the store. I got two lucid dreams. One fits well, but the other is a bit big. I hope it shrinks some after I wash it.

I like sleepguy. F**k your sh*t.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

Man, I hate shaving my Lucid Dream. It's so hard to reach and it ALWAYS gets razor burn.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

OK I just installed Lucid Dreams, anyone know how to configure this sh*t?

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I'm waiting for the lucid dream to take me to class. I hate being late like this.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I remember when I got my first lucid dream. I started downloading sh*t like crazy.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

My sister starred in a Lucid Dream once. My parents weren't too happy, but she made a lot of money off of it.

I remember when I got my first lucid dream. I started downloading sh*t like crazy.

>implying you have a girlfriend
lol enjoy your Lucid Dreams, fa**ot

I always get Lucid dreams all over my back. Itchy as hell.

I'm not so sure about all this lucidity sh*t. The only time I've actually had some sort of control over a dream is when I'm just about to wake up and halfway conscious yet still dreaming. Then for some reason whatever I happen to be dreaming about I can somehow relate it to what I have to do that day. IE I'm f**king a unicorn in the ass when all of a sudden the IRS man walks by and I'm like f**k, I gotta do my taxes today. Then I'm suddenly no longer a spectator in my dream but in control, so I get mad and chase the IRS man down and beat the hell out of him. Then I wake up.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

>posting on lucid dreams
>doesn't know what lucid dreams are

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I f**ked Lucid Dream yesterday, I came buckets

>implying you have a girlfriend
lol enjoy your Lucid Dreams, fa**ot

>implying lucid dreams

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I worked out my lucid dreams yesterday. They're sore as f**k.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

If I meet you IRL I'll pull out all your Lucid Dreams, c**ksucker

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

hey it seems like you know your sh*t, could you help with my Lucid Dreams exercises? I'm stuck on number 3

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

Lucid dreams is new lucid dreams!

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

hey did you hear the new Lucid Dreams album? sh*t is so cash

Lucid dreams is new lucid dreams!

Lucid dreams is NOT new lucid dreams

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

Posting from my new Lucid Dreams. Sh*t is so cash.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

u mad?
sent from my Lucid Dream

I've had loads of lucid dreams over the past few months.
They haven't lasted particularly long, but they are amazing.
The best was when I woke up in my room, and everything was exactly how it was in reality, it was my most vivid dream and I was perfectly lucid, I rubbed my hands together and could feel it, at which point my mind was pretty blown.
I made scarlett johannson appear in one of them, sh*t doesnt always work though, im new to it, so i'll walk around my house with the person in mind checking different rooms to see if that helps.
sometimes its so convincing I can't tell if I'm awake or dreaming

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

Man, I'm gonna get Lucid Dreams in all of my classes this semester. Feels good, man.

Seriously though, i miss my lucid dreams more than anything
I've been on a dry spell for months

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

Man, I saw this lucid dream yesterday. She was sooooooooo hot.

I've had loads of lucid dreams over the past few months.
They haven't lasted particularly long, but they are amazing.
The best was when I woke up in my room, and everything was exactly how it was in reality, it was my most vivid dream and I was perfectly lucid, I rubbed my hands together and could feel it, at which point my mind was pretty blown.
I made scarlett johannson appear in one of them, sh*t doesnt always work though, im new to it, so i'll walk around my house with the person in mind checking different rooms to see if that helps.
sometimes its so convincing I can't tell if I'm awake or dreaming

>I made scarlett johannson appear in one of them
You are smalltime
I f**ked Jessica Alba in a lucid dream once

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I just lied to my lucid dream. She's gonna be so mad when she finds out.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

Gonna spend my lucid dream hanging out by the lucid dream, hitting on lucid dreams, and drinking some cold lucid dreams.
Feels lucid dream, man.

Once I realize I'm dreaming, I always give myself super powers and go fly. Sh*t is so cash.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

I just took a massive lucid dream. Guy in the next stall asked if I was ok.

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

dat Lucid Dream

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

Y'all ni**ers posting in a lucid dream thread

ITT: Nobody knows what a Lucid Dream is.

This girl I like sent me a lucid dream. What do I do?

This girl I like sent me a lucid dream. What do I do?

Ask her to a lucid dream!

Guys, this isn't bee

I've had loads of lucid dreams over the past few months.
They haven't lasted particularly long, but they are amazing.
The best was when I woke up in my room, and everything was exactly how it was in reality, it was my most vivid dream and I was perfectly lucid, I rubbed my hands together and could feel it, at which point my mind was pretty blown.
I made scarlett johannson appear in one of them, sh*t doesnt always work though, im new to it, so i'll walk around my house with the person in mind checking different rooms to see if that helps.
sometimes its so convincing I can't tell if I'm awake or dreaming

> everything was exactly how it was in reality
> I rubbed my hands together and could feel it
> my mind was pretty blown
> sometimes its so convincing I can't tell if I'm awake or dreaming
I stand corrected. ITT at least one guy knows (i.e., experienced) what a Lucid Dream is.

Any tips on lucid dreaming properly? I can never get it right, the moment I'm aware I'm asleep it begins to pull me out of it, and while I can sort of do sh*t I'm still aware I'm lying there in bed - it's not very convincing, like how
I've had loads of lucid dreams over the past few months.
They haven't lasted particularly long, but they are amazing.
The best was when I woke up in my room, and everything was exactly how it was in reality, it was my most vivid dream and I was perfectly lucid, I rubbed my hands together and could feel it, at which point my mind was pretty blown.
I made scarlett johannson appear in one of them, sh*t doesnt always work though, im new to it, so i'll walk around my house with the person in mind checking different rooms to see if that helps.
sometimes its so convincing I can't tell if I'm awake or dreaming
describes. And if I try anything sexual I wake the f**k up straight away.
That is, if I can even start lucid dreaming in the first place, which is f**king difficult in itself.

I had a dream (not lucid) where I was pregnant.
I'm a guy btw.
In the dream I kept asking myself, how would he come out? Then my mom came in and said ''You knew better than that young man, now face the consequences!''
I replied with ''Oh come on mom, you're a woman, please, take care of him for me''
She says ''Absolutely not. It's impossible to exchange pregnancy.''
Then I woke up.

The way it works for me is to just lay down and think.. "I'm gonna go to sleep now" over and over. Also, when something barely wakes you up and you fall back asleep it allows lucid dreamig.

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