Friday, October 1, 2010

What medications have you tried?

What medications/drugs have you taken?
- Was it Legal (Prescribed)
- Medication
- What you're taking it for (If Prescribed)
- Your personal side effects (Just ones you noticed)
- How you feel with and without it
- Was it overall worth it, and did it help/feel good
This shall be interesting...

Probably others I can't remember
Meds are for different speculated disorders, none of them worked.
Most of the illegal drugs were either fun or complete terrible.
Marijuana is great for introspection and can help you if you just ride with it.
Side effects are numerous, but a majority of them were unpleasant to say the least.

A few drugs, all were legal.
No obvious side effects. Feel great with the latest ones.

Omeprazole (prilosec)
Marijuana is overrated, I don't know why people do it.
Claritin/Alcohol...self explainatory.
Vicodin once for my neck...made me feel sick. Could try it again in the future.

Prescribed Prilosec for my acid reflux.

Omeprazole (prilosec)
Marijuana is overrated, I don't know why people do it.
Claritin/Alcohol...self explainatory.
Vicodin once for my neck...made me feel sick. Could try it again in the future.

Prescribed Prilosec for my acid reflux.

I do it for introspection and enjoyment of life. I'm one of few people who can't enjoy life without a drug that opens up a normally closed mind. I know it's sad, but that's just the way it is.

All were prescribed. The only interesting side-effect I can think of is the clindamycin gave me intermenstrual bleeding. I also have some pretty vivd dreams on Celexa and have an extended twilight between wakefulness and sleep.
All were prescribed

weed/weed oil

All were prescribed. The only interesting side-effect I can think of is the clindamycin gave me intermenstrual bleeding. I also have some pretty vivd dreams on Celexa and have an extended twilight between wakefulness and sleep.
All were prescribed

I should also note that taking Zantac and Vicodin at the same time was a huge mistake. I stayed up till 3 AM leaning over the toilet and panting heavily.

Benzodiazepines for the f**king win, man!

Adderall - Medication I am prescribed, I snort it. Basically you concentrate really hard and can be great if that's what
Marijuana - The standard drug of choice. It's worth smoking pot.
Cocaine - Basically it makes you feel really good for about an hour. You really do want more. Be careful with it.
Oxycontin - A lot of my friends deal with opiate addiction. It makes you feel amazing, but occasionally you'll itch. Opiates are something you either really love and get into, or they kind of suck if you aren't into downers.
Ecstasy/Molly - Rolling is a hit and miss sort of thing. Some people swear by it, though I don't think it's anything truly great, though a great roll is a nice thing.
Acid - Probably the best drug I've done. If you can find white on whites and clean acid, it's truly the best. Also the drug with the most misconceptions about it. I reccommend not telling anyone you're tripping while you're tripping because they'll try and freak you out but they'll just look like an a**hole and irritate you.
This goes for all psychedelics, probably the best type of drug out there.
DXM - Take the robitussin capsules, not the drink. Be sure if you do, to drink pure DXM or you're in for a very confusing and unpleasant experience. Otherwise, a good anon trip is like being drunk but in more control, and every motion is anonic and you could walk forever.
I'l post more.

OP here, Marijuana seems good and all, but I have smoked twice now and not felt anything. I don't think or act different, no red eyes or hunger. Is this normal?

All were prescribed. The only interesting side-effect I can think of is the clindamycin gave me intermenstrual bleeding. I also have some pretty vivd dreams on Celexa and have an extended twilight between wakefulness and sleep.
All were prescribed

Brotip: GERD is a physical symptom of an overly anxious mind. You don't need that nexium sh*t. Just lower your stress and worry.

Nicotine, Valium, vicodin, marijuana, ecstasy and alcohol.

OP here, Marijuana seems good and all, but I have smoked twice now and not felt anything. I don't think or act different, no red eyes or hunger. Is this normal?

It can be anywhere from 1 to 5 times for a person to get high. I didn't get high my first time, but I did my second time. Just keep trying.

OP here, Marijuana seems good and all, but I have smoked twice now and not felt anything. I don't think or act different, no red eyes or hunger. Is this normal?

yea, I smoked out with my buddies like 3 times before I really noticed getting high.
But oh man, the first time is awesome...

All Prescribed:
Xyrem (gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)
Assorted IV antibiotics
Every oral antibiotic known to man
I am missing many many more.
This was all prescribed for Lyme Disease. I have been sick for 15 years.
Every side effect you can name
Without the opiates: withdrawal. Terrible, terrible withdrawal.
Did they help: most did not. IV antibiotics and Valtrex saved my life, and cured my illness. The opiates helped the soul-crushing pain, but only caused more problems of their own. Was it worth it? I had no choice...

Brotip: GERD is a physical symptom of an overly anxious mind. You don't need that nexium sh*t. Just lower your stress and worry.

My heartburn was being caused my having too little serotonin in my intestines. The Celexa was prescribed to correct the serotonin imbalance in my intestines, not my brain. And I've since been weaned off Nexium and am in the process of being weaned off of Zantac.

some steroid for asthma
there are more but I can't remember them all. I got the sh*ttiest side effects with zoloft, maxalt, vistaril and any opiate ever. I also didn't take well to ativan. I had a bit of an episode on it and I wouldn't recommend the stuff.

I do it for introspection and enjoyment of life. I'm one of few people who can't enjoy life without a drug that opens up a normally closed mind. I know it's sad, but that's just the way it is.

Understandable. My roommates smoke daily. The one needs it...he has super bad anxiety.
The other one is just a douchebag. He does it to fit in.

Adderall - Medication I am prescribed, I snort it. Basically you concentrate really hard and can be great if that's what
Marijuana - The standard drug of choice. It's worth smoking pot.
Cocaine - Basically it makes you feel really good for about an hour. You really do want more. Be careful with it.
Oxycontin - A lot of my friends deal with opiate addiction. It makes you feel amazing, but occasionally you'll itch. Opiates are something you either really love and get into, or they kind of suck if you aren't into downers.
Ecstasy/Molly - Rolling is a hit and miss sort of thing. Some people swear by it, though I don't think it's anything truly great, though a great roll is a nice thing.
Acid - Probably the best drug I've done. If you can find white on whites and clean acid, it's truly the best. Also the drug with the most misconceptions about it. I reccommend not telling anyone you're tripping while you're tripping because they'll try and freak you out but they'll just look like an a**hole and irritate you.
This goes for all psychedelics, probably the best type of drug out there.
DXM - Take the robitussin capsules, not the drink. Be sure if you do, to drink pure DXM or you're in for a very confusing and unpleasant experience. Otherwise, a good anon trip is like being drunk but in more control, and every motion is anonic and you could walk forever.
I'l post more.

Nutmeg: Don't underestimate the nut. It'll f**k with you. Can be good if doing the right things while on it. I felt like i was in a waking dream the majority of the time.
Alcohol: Is annoying. But is lovely. You could do better with other drugs, though you get the most bang for your buck with alcohol and is the most socially acceptable thing to get f**ked up on. Of all the people I've encountered who were f**ked up, ANGRY DRUNK PEOPLE ARE THE WORST. WORSE THAN HEROIN ADDICTS OR COKEHEADS.
Klonopin: A muscle relaxant that can really add on to anything you're doing. Be sure to do lines of it though, I really cant stand it when I have to pop a pill of anything. Will have a minty, cold feeling in your mouth.
HOW TO KNOW IF IT"S REAL COCAINE: Good sh*t will make your mouth numb. If it doesnt make it numb it isn't cocaine. A little bit will do.

Nutmeg: Don't underestimate the nut. It'll f**k with you. Can be good if doing the right things while on it. I felt like i was in a waking dream the majority of the time.
Alcohol: Is annoying. But is lovely. You could do better with other drugs, though you get the most bang for your buck with alcohol and is the most socially acceptable thing to get f**ked up on. Of all the people I've encountered who were f**ked up, ANGRY DRUNK PEOPLE ARE THE WORST. WORSE THAN HEROIN ADDICTS OR COKEHEADS.
Klonopin: A muscle relaxant that can really add on to anything you're doing. Be sure to do lines of it though, I really cant stand it when I have to pop a pill of anything. Will have a minty, cold feeling in your mouth.
HOW TO KNOW IF IT"S REAL COCAINE: Good sh*t will make your mouth numb. If it doesnt make it numb it isn't cocaine. A little bit will do.

Cocaine is often cut with novacaine...which also numbs the mouth.

OP here, Marijuana seems good and all, but I have smoked twice now and not felt anything. I don't think or act different, no red eyes or hunger. Is this normal?

Took me several times to get stoned, but when it finally worked it was the best high ever.

Concerta (for adolescent ADD) and Lamictal (currently for early onset Bipolar)
- Was it Legal (Prescribed): Yes, on both counts.
- Your personal side effects (Just ones you noticed): Memory problems, speech problems, balance/coordination issues.
- How you feel with and without it
With (lamictal): I feel depressed/suicidal about half the time, but I don't get the psychotic features that normally accompany my depression, so that's pretty cool. I haven't had a manic phase since starting, nor any derealization.
Without (Lamictal): I felt like my life was going down the goddamn toilet. I took down a symptom list after a week and a half of intense paranoia/insomnia/impulsive behavior/physical tics.
- Was it overall worth it, and did it help/feel good: I'd say I'm ambivalent to the medication. Not helping as much as I'd hoped, but not hurting me either, I guess.

OP here, Marijuana seems good and all, but I have smoked twice now and not felt anything. I don't think or act different, no red eyes or hunger. Is this normal?

I tried it five or six times. Two times I felt it, and it put me on the floor. I didn't like it at all.

My heartburn was being caused my having too little serotonin in my intestines. The Celexa was prescribed to correct the serotonin imbalance in my intestines, not my brain. And I've since been weaned off Nexium and am in the process of being weaned off of Zantac.

I stand corrected.
It's good to see people get decent medical care instead of being mired in the pit of bad speculation.

Cocaine is often cut with novacaine...which also numbs the mouth.

True. Also never expect to get a powder that isn't cut. Won't happen. If you're trying to decide between Molly and Esctasy, know this, with molly, you're buying a powder that any old person could have cut. With ecstasy, it's a pill, and in order to get that you need a pill presser, and small time hustlers don't have pill pressers, period. It's probably cut with something like meth, but at least it's halfway more legit than just getting molly from some random f**ker.

OP here, Marijuana seems good and all, but I have smoked twice now and not felt anything. I don't think or act different, no red eyes or hunger. Is this normal?

There really is no limit to getting high.
Once you reach a real high you WILL be thinking "HOLY F**K SO THIS IS WHAT PEOPLE WERE TALKING ABOUT!"

#1- Some prescribed sleeping pills at age 13
I really needed anti-depressants, but the docs figured I was just having trouble falling asleep. I took it maybe a dozen times. One night I took half a tab more than my normal dose and ended up sick as f**k. Overall, useless, although I wish I still had a prescriptions for the nights now when I genuinely can't sleep.
#2- Seroquel at 17. Psych misdiagnosed me, thinking I had psychotic episodes which were in fact insomnia induced hallucinations. Took it for a few months, led to constant physical and mental discomfort and overwhelming lethargy.
#3- Celexa at 18. Prescribed for a diagnosis of depression and anxiety. Seemed to work okay until my father convinced me to go off it. Stopping it let to months of poor concentration and suicidal depression.
Took a friend's ADD meds once when I was 14. Interesting day, concentration accelerated.
Smoked pot and hash, dexed a bunch. I'm a big fan of DXM, although the best trips are combos. Prefer syrup though; hits faster, and the sorbitol gives me a nice big dump the next day. Sh*tting in the afterglow is heaven.
Also taken routine over the counter sh*t, painkillers, laxatives, whatever. Had some codeine when I had my wisdom teeth extracted. Don't recall enjoying it at all, it just dulled the pain.
Hard drugs freak me out. I'll never do anything I have to snort or shoot, and I'll never do meth or ecstasy.

OP here, Marijuana seems good and all, but I have smoked twice now and not felt anything. I don't think or act different, no red eyes or hunger. Is this normal?

Your first times smoking will suck. It'll burn and you wont get high. Just do it right, hold it into your lungs and imagine the smoke going through your bloodstream and up to your brain.
The first time I got high, it felt like there was a bubble that traveled up my veins and I felt it crawling up my neck and into my head.
When you get high, you'll know it. No placebo. Because it'll essentially be like something you've never felt before.
I'd say you probably don't take good enough hits.

I stand corrected.
It's good to see people get decent medical care instead of being mired in the pit of bad speculation.

I'm very thankful to have a good, competent doctor. Her undergraduate degree was in biology and chemistry, so she's hyper-aware of the chemical effects of drugs on the body and is very smart about prescribing medicine. I went to specialists about my heartburn and had an endoscopy, and they couldn't figure it out. Having a great GP is a gift.

Also, whenever you do a new illicit drug, smoke a little weed on top of it. It'll bring the effects to the fore and make for a more interesting time.

OP here, Marijuana seems good and all, but I have smoked twice now and not felt anything. I don't think or act different, no red eyes or hunger. Is this normal?

The cannabinoid system varies greatly from person to person. I am pretty much unable to achieve any sort of enjoyable, noticeable high. Just for research, do you have an above average pain tolerance/threshold?

Nutmeg: Don't underestimate the nut. It'll f**k with you. Can be good if doing the right things while on it. I felt like i was in a waking dream the majority of the time.
Alcohol: Is annoying. But is lovely. You could do better with other drugs, though you get the most bang for your buck with alcohol and is the most socially acceptable thing to get f**ked up on. Of all the people I've encountered who were f**ked up, ANGRY DRUNK PEOPLE ARE THE WORST. WORSE THAN HEROIN ADDICTS OR COKEHEADS.
Klonopin: A muscle relaxant that can really add on to anything you're doing. Be sure to do lines of it though, I really cant stand it when I have to pop a pill of anything. Will have a minty, cold feeling in your mouth.
HOW TO KNOW IF IT"S REAL COCAINE: Good sh*t will make your mouth numb. If it doesnt make it numb it isn't cocaine. A little bit will do.

Oh man, I'm on Klonopin.
Helps me sleep and forget my nightmares (I already had really terrible nightmares to begin with, but the Lamictal makes it SO MUCH WORSE. I forgot to put that on my list, actually). I didn't take my klonopin a few nights ago, had a completely gruesome dream where I watched an acquaintance of mine get run over by a car over and over again. I can still picture his crushed head with the blood and brains, oh god.

#1- Some prescribed sleeping pills at age 13
I really needed anti-depressants, but the docs figured I was just having trouble falling asleep. I took it maybe a dozen times. One night I took half a tab more than my normal dose and ended up sick as f**k. Overall, useless, although I wish I still had a prescriptions for the nights now when I genuinely can't sleep.
#2- Seroquel at 17. Psych misdiagnosed me, thinking I had psychotic episodes which were in fact insomnia induced hallucinations. Took it for a few months, led to constant physical and mental discomfort and overwhelming lethargy.
#3- Celexa at 18. Prescribed for a diagnosis of depression and anxiety. Seemed to work okay until my father convinced me to go off it. Stopping it let to months of poor concentration and suicidal depression.
Took a friend's ADD meds once when I was 14. Interesting day, concentration accelerated.
Smoked pot and hash, dexed a bunch. I'm a big fan of DXM, although the best trips are combos. Prefer syrup though; hits faster, and the sorbitol gives me a nice big dump the next day. Sh*tting in the afterglow is heaven.
Also taken routine over the counter sh*t, painkillers, laxatives, whatever. Had some codeine when I had my wisdom teeth extracted. Don't recall enjoying it at all, it just dulled the pain.
Hard drugs freak me out. I'll never do anything I have to snort or shoot, and I'll never do meth or ecstasy.

There's a big difference between snorting and shooting someting. Snorting something is much less of a big deal than shooting up. Once you shoot up, it's hard to go back. What snorting something does is basically bypass the liver and increase the effects of something.

Oh man, I'm on Klonopin.
Helps me sleep and forget my nightmares (I already had really terrible nightmares to begin with, but the Lamictal makes it SO MUCH WORSE. I forgot to put that on my list, actually). I didn't take my klonopin a few nights ago, had a completely gruesome dream where I watched an acquaintance of mine get run over by a car over and over again. I can still picture his crushed head with the blood and brains, oh god.

Yeah, Klonnies are nice. The first time I did it was when I was in the peak of an acid trip. It calms things down a bit. Good luck with the dream sh*t, that sounds harsh. Do you smoke weed as well?

There's a big difference between snorting and shooting someting. Snorting something is much less of a big deal than shooting up. Once you shoot up, it's hard to go back. What snorting something does is basically bypass the liver and increase the effects of something.

With proper equipment and just not being a f**ktard, shooting is probably one of the safest ROAs.

The only drug I've been prescribed is zimovane because i was having troubble sleeping b4 finals. they did not make me tired at all. And made me forgetful as sh*t. Was probs worse off for em

I love weed, smoke too much (everyday sometimes multiple times). For me the increase in creativity, relaxation, and ability to appreciate music is the reason I take it. It is worth it aside from its illegality, getting a job, and if you smoke too much the anxiety that can develop.
Alcohol I only use on social events, I rarely drink outside of a party. I've been really trashed and while its really fun, I dont like the effects unless I am chasing females.
Oxys I took 3 times. First time it was amazing, second time it was nothing, 3rd time I had a panic attack, blacked out, went cold and sweaty, and just generally freaked out. Never again.
Mushrooms I took 3 times. Each time changed my life and each time was the most amazing experience in my life. Definitely worth taking for spiritual/personal growth and general amazement.
Salvia took once. Most powerful psychedelic/dissociative I've had (duh) and its worth doing once if anything. Never had an alteration of reality so deep before, makes you question reality.

Yeah, Klonnies are nice. The first time I did it was when I was in the peak of an acid trip. It calms things down a bit. Good luck with the dream sh*t, that sounds harsh. Do you smoke weed as well?

Nah, tried it a few times and never felt much. The third time I felt really tired and at peace, but I had also been drinking and awake for a really long time, so it's hard to place it.
I might try again next year or so, I dunno.
And yeah, the dreams are a bitch to deal with. Lots of dead/dying people.

There's a big difference between snorting and shooting someting. Snorting something is much less of a big deal than shooting up. Once you shoot up, it's hard to go back. What snorting something does is basically bypass the liver and increase the effects of something.

Don't get me wrong, I know they're not comparable. I'm against them both for separate anxieties. I have a really bad needle phobia to the point where I have to cover my eyes when I see injections, even on television. Snorting doesn't bother me as much, but I'm completely uncomfortable with the idea of putting anything other than salt water up my nose.

With proper equipment and just not being a f**ktard, shooting is probably one of the safest ROAs.

Yeah it I guess it really depends on WHAT you are shooting, but it's funny you mention that because one of the heroin addicts I know is a real neat freak about everything.
Really, being sketched out about a method of ingesting a drug isn't rational, but there tends to be more of a 'sh*t I'm off the deep end' vibe around people who inject. Depends on what you inject I guess. I've only seen heroin or cocaine injected.

I love weed, smoke too much (everyday sometimes multiple times). For me the increase in creativity, relaxation, and ability to appreciate music is the reason I take it. It is worth it aside from its illegality, getting a job, and if you smoke too much the anxiety that can develop.
Alcohol I only use on social events, I rarely drink outside of a party. I've been really trashed and while its really fun, I dont like the effects unless I am chasing females.
Oxys I took 3 times. First time it was amazing, second time it was nothing, 3rd time I had a panic attack, blacked out, went cold and sweaty, and just generally freaked out. Never again.
Mushrooms I took 3 times. Each time changed my life and each time was the most amazing experience in my life. Definitely worth taking for spiritual/personal growth and general amazement.
Salvia took once. Most powerful psychedelic/dissociative I've had (duh) and its worth doing once if anything. Never had an alteration of reality so deep before, makes you question reality.

If salvia shattered you so thoroughly, prepare to think salvia is chump sh*t after doing DMT.
That's the real perception shatterer.

maybe more but I think thats about it

Don't get me wrong, I know they're not comparable. I'm against them both for separate anxieties. I have a really bad needle phobia to the point where I have to cover my eyes when I see injections, even on television. Snorting doesn't bother me as much, but I'm completely uncomfortable with the idea of putting anything other than salt water up my nose.

Man, I've never understood needle phobias. Nurses must think I'm a f**king psycho because whenever I get my blood drawn I just stare at it and watch the blood fill the vial. It's so f**king amazing to sit there and think, "I'm in a room full of people, and I'm bleeding, a a decent amount, and no one is doing anything." Not to mention my blood is a f**king gorgeous color. In fact, the only reason I want to donate blood is to have a more significant amount of blood removed from my system. But I'm not allowed to donate because I lived overseas during the Mad Cow thing back in the 90s.
Damn it, now I want to get my blood drawn.

ITT: teenagers brag about how many drugs they've taken.
Sure is new anonymous in here.

If salvia shattered you so thoroughly, prepare to think salvia is chump sh*t after doing DMT.
That's the real perception shatterer.

Yeah I've always wanted to try DMT, heard good things but I've never heard of it being for sale and nowadays I am too careful to want to accidentally smoke something thats not DMT.
But they usually say Salvia and DMT are the most powerful out there, and I guess Ayahuasca since it is basically DMT. I've heard people talk a lot about the 2c stuff, like 2c-i, 2c-b, but again too careful nowadays to try the stuff.

Nah, tried it a few times and never felt much. The third time I felt really tired and at peace, but I had also been drinking and awake for a really long time, so it's hard to place it.
I might try again next year or so, I dunno.
And yeah, the dreams are a bitch to deal with. Lots of dead/dying people.

Make sure you get good weed. And do the klonnies while on weed, it'll be a really nice thing. Weed will definitely help you I feel.

ITT: teenagers brag about how many drugs they've taken.
Sure is new anonymous in here.

What are you here for then, mister?

I've only taken mushrooms, and I've taken a lot of them. Only good things has come from it.

Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol
Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol
Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol
Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol

To those of you who have tried MDMA, have you noticed any lasting effects? I remember reading up on it when I was in junior high and I swore never to touch it because I was already predisposed to depression.

ITT: teenagers brag about how many drugs they've taken.
Sure is new anonymous in here.

ITT: teenagers brag about how many drugs they've taken.
Sure is new anonymous in here.

ITT: teenagers brag about how many drugs they've taken.
Sure is new anonymous in here.

Bragging anonymously??

Yeah it I guess it really depends on WHAT you are shooting, but it's funny you mention that because one of the heroin addicts I know is a real neat freak about everything.
Really, being sketched out about a method of ingesting a drug isn't rational, but there tends to be more of a 'sh*t I'm off the deep end' vibe around people who inject. Depends on what you inject I guess. I've only seen heroin or cocaine injected.

Yeah, I agree with the part about it being a surefire sign of addiction. But seriously, i don't understand the negative stigma associated with it. Even shooting black tar IM with a filter isn't harmful at all.

To those of you who have tried MDMA, have you noticed any lasting effects? I remember reading up on it when I was in junior high and I swore never to touch it because I was already predisposed to depression.

Supposedly it drops the serotonin level in your body. You could remedy this by going on a monamine oxidase inhibitor the day afterwards. Personally, I would be more worried about serotonin receptor damage than depression.

Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol
Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol
Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol
Nicotine, Valium, Vicodin, Marijuana, Ecstasy and Alcohol

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha..... haaaaaaaaaa
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha..... HHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

When I took Salvia I basically forgot I smoked it, went into some dreamworld for a split second, then I became something indescribable. Multiple phenomena were occurring simultaneously. On the one hand "I" became the universe, I felt like I was being smooshed like puddy, I felt like I was a slot machine, I felt like I was being shot across the universe at lightspeeds...all at the same time.
Then I opened my eyes, sat up, closed my eyes again, and the folding action (I was lying down at first) of sitting up sent me spiraling outward in all directions infinitely. It was pretty bad ass for 5 minutes.

I've only taken mushrooms, and I've taken a lot of them. Only good things has come from it.

you know what, I used to live amongst a f**kton of farmland (with cattle) and never once picked shrooms. But instead paid for my sh*t-tier drugs, ignorant of all the free shrooms to be had

you know what, I used to live amongst a f**kton of farmland (with cattle) and never once picked shrooms. But instead paid for my sh*t-tier drugs, ignorant of all the free shrooms to be had

Got to be careful though. Take the wrong mushroom or a moldy one and you may be dead in a few hours.

Was only ever prescribed the valium and dihydrocodeine though. I love downers the most.

Man, I've never understood needle phobias. Nurses must think I'm a f**king psycho because whenever I get my blood drawn I just stare at it and watch the blood fill the vial. It's so f**king amazing to sit there and think, "I'm in a room full of people, and I'm bleeding, a a decent amount, and no one is doing anything." Not to mention my blood is a f**king gorgeous color. In fact, the only reason I want to donate blood is to have a more significant amount of blood removed from my system. But I'm not allowed to donate because I lived overseas during the Mad Cow thing back in the 90s.
Damn it, now I want to get my blood drawn.

I'm pretty sure my phobia stems from childhood experiences having baby teeth pulled after getting shot up with four to eight needles a sitting. I don't know if it's common, because most people don't seem to have this, but whenever I'm stuck with a needle, I feel it. I feel it going in, I feel it sitting there, I feel it coming out, and unless it's a tiny little pin prick in the shoulder, it's quite painful. When I had my wisdom teeth out I had to be gassed before they could get my IV in and start working. Also, when I was seven or eight my mother forcibly restrained me while a nurse drew my blood. Not as painful as the needles in the face, but fairly traumatic.
I also have a thing with veins. I used to get anxious just thinking about them, and sometimes I'd freak out if the veins in my hands were prominent.
BONUS POINTS: In a few months I'm supposed to start a bi-weekly prescription that has to be injected subcutaneously. For the rest of my life. Eventually I'm expected to self-inject. I have no idea how this is going to go down.

Supposedly it drops the serotonin level in your body. You could remedy this by going on a monamine oxidase inhibitor the day afterwards. Personally, I would be more worried about serotonin receptor damage than depression.

I thought the receptor damage inhibiting serotonin uptake was the causal link.

I thought the receptor damage inhibiting serotonin uptake was the causal link.

I don't know. From the looks of you might fry a couple dopamine receptors when rolling too though.

Adderall - Best ADHD drug by far, it actually makes you motivated to do sh*t you need to do. It feels great, you can snort it, and it sells very good for how easily you can get it.
Concerta - Terrible. Very hard to abuse. Feels sh*tty, not a good one.
Ritalin - Had this when I was very young, don't remember it much.
Vyvanse - Second best. Feels good, unabusable though.
(God damn, the doctor was convinced I had ADHD, even though I had no symptoms except lack of motivation)
Ambien - Sleep aid that feels good, and doesn't make you tired, but you fall asleep. Mainly causes a sh*tload of amnesia though.
Mirtazapine - Don't know what the f**k this sh*t is supposed to do, all it does for me is make me feel REALLY sh*tty.
Still new to stuff and haven't abused anything except for the Adderall.

I'm pretty sure my phobia stems from childhood experiences having baby teeth pulled after getting shot up with four to eight needles a sitting. I don't know if it's common, because most people don't seem to have this, but whenever I'm stuck with a needle, I feel it. I feel it going in, I feel it sitting there, I feel it coming out, and unless it's a tiny little pin prick in the shoulder, it's quite painful. When I had my wisdom teeth out I had to be gassed before they could get my IV in and start working. Also, when I was seven or eight my mother forcibly restrained me while a nurse drew my blood. Not as painful as the needles in the face, but fairly traumatic.
I also have a thing with veins. I used to get anxious just thinking about them, and sometimes I'd freak out if the veins in my hands were prominent.
BONUS POINTS: In a few months I'm supposed to start a bi-weekly prescription that has to be injected subcutaneously. For the rest of my life. Eventually I'm expected to self-inject. I have no idea how this is going to go down.

I screamed like a bitch.

I've tried the following and thought they had a positive effect on my life:
-MDMA caps
The following have had a meh effect:
-"Pills" (any random sh*t goes in them, not just MDMA)
The following drugs have had a "this isn't worth the damage" effect on me
-Amyl Nitrate

I screamed like a bitch.

I'm not looking forward to it, although I know people who self-inject subcutaneously on a regular basis who, after minimal training from a nurse, never had any issues. I hope it goes that smoothly for me, or else I have to schedule my ass for a jab at a clinic twice a month forever.

poppy tea
i probably missed a couple. anyhow, that's wayyy too many damn questions to answer.

poppy tea
i probably missed a couple. anyhow, that's wayyy too many damn questions to answer.

ah, and of course spironolactone and estradiol. forgot about them cos they're not recreational.

My doctor has had me on everything, sedatives, benzodiazepines, mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and more recently amphetamines.
Right now I'm on Lamichtal (mood stabilizer), Roserum (sleep aid), Seroquil (sleep aid), and Adderall (amphetamine for those that don't know).
I started Adderall at the beginning of this month.
I weighed 180 around the middle of last month, then I started a diet and got down to 170 by the end. Now, I'm 155, 10 of that in the last week.
It's cool to be losing weight and everything, but this just isn't healthy ;_;

Alcohol is great. Wonderful with the right people. Weed is great. God's herb. Vicodin is good but nothing I would ever want to make a habit of, same with Valium. Ambien was okay. DXM is sh*tty and I'm ashamed I ever tried it. Salvia was really cool for me the times I tried it.
None of these were prescribed aside from the vicodin and coedine. The only one I partake in regularly is alcohol. Drugs are fun/interesting!@#

-Adderall XR
-Completely kills appetite for the entire day
-effects are just as advertised, 30mg is not anywhere near enough to get you high, but does enable me to fool most people into thinking I'm interested in them.


My doctor has had me on everything, sedatives, benzodiazepines, mood stabilizers, antidepressants, and more recently amphetamines.
Right now I'm on Lamichtal (mood stabilizer), Roserum (sleep aid), Seroquil (sleep aid), and Adderall (amphetamine for those that don't know).
I started Adderall at the beginning of this month.
I weighed 180 around the middle of last month, then I started a diet and got down to 170 by the end. Now, I'm 155, 10 of that in the last week.
It's cool to be losing weight and everything, but this just isn't healthy ;_;

Tell me how you got those pls.

in the past:

- Legal (Prescribed)
- Vicodin
- Leg surgery
- Didn't have to sh*t for some 4 days though that might have been the morphine or whatever the hell else I was one during the surgery.
- No pain with it, pain without it
- Meh, probably could have ridden out the pain so it probably wasn't really worth it and it didn't feel like much of anything. Which is kind of the point I suppose.
This will probably be one of the more boring posts in this thread but whatever, there you go.

>- Was it Legal (Prescribed)
>- Medication
>- What you're taking it for (If Prescribed)
>- Your personal side effects (Just ones you noticed)
>- How you feel with and without it
>- Was it overall worth it, and did it help/feel good

None, ever.
My body is a temple, and I am a god.


Yes prescribed
-ADHD, inb4 not real, I could give a f**k
-lost appetite, over thinking, indecision, weird blood pressure, if I am lacking sleep, I pick at myself and get hyper-focused on stupid things like organizing my bookshelf or re ordering my pens by color length and approximate diameter. if I take it too late in the day it keeps me awake and sometimes it can make me interested in things I have never given a f**k about before.
-with it I feel like what I always imagined the kind of normal average kids felt like in high school. I worry a little more than I'd like to but it's worth it. without it I feel lazy and hungry for the first few days, and I sleep for 16 hour stints. this is just withdrawl. after withdrawl I am louder, more enthusiastic, more impulsive and decisive, but unable to do things I enjoy for more than a few seconds at a time, and completely airheaded. I repeat lame ass stories, forget things and lose things right left and center, and eat a sh*tton to avoid having to do any one thing for too long a period of time. I hate how I am when I don't take it.
-very worth it. I would like to stop taking it one day, but I don't see this happening without srs counseling and learning methods and tricks to keep myself sane and functional without it.

This was prescribed to me for anxiety, but I used it more to help me sleep. Didn't really care for it.
This was prescribed to me for sleep, but I use it more for getting f**ked up. 10mg of this stuff and I'm asleep, 20mg and I'm loopy as all hell.
Depression meds. Made me more depressed and lethargic than I already was. Absolutely hated it.
I was thought to be bipolar (NOS) for a little while, so they put me on this. I didn't feel like it was doing anything, so I stopped taking it.
More depression meds. They take about a month to kick in, but once they do, I feel the best I've felt in years. That only lasts for about 3 weeks, though. My dosage keeps getting upped because I keep building up a resistance to it. :( Worth it, though, for when I'm feeling good.
Hahaha not prescribed. :-/
I'm sure I've taken other things, but I can't think of anything atm.

>take friend's ritalin for a while
>it kicks ass
>he cuts me off because he's a fa**ot
>go to psychologist
>tell him I have trouble concentrating
>get script for 100 10mg ritalin pills and orders to take 20mg a day
>feels good mang

and all the obvious head-ache ones etc.. above ones were all recreational

the only medication/drug i take is levothyroxine because i don't have a thyroid and the occasional aspirin. and cigarettes and alcohol. i am not cool enough for anything else.

Yes prescribed
-ADHD, inb4 not real, I could give a f**k
-lost appetite, over thinking, indecision, weird blood pressure, if I am lacking sleep, I pick at myself and get hyper-focused on stupid things like organizing my bookshelf or re ordering my pens by color length and approximate diameter. if I take it too late in the day it keeps me awake and sometimes it can make me interested in things I have never given a f**k about before.
-with it I feel like what I always imagined the kind of normal average kids felt like in high school. I worry a little more than I'd like to but it's worth it. without it I feel lazy and hungry for the first few days, and I sleep for 16 hour stints. this is just withdrawl. after withdrawl I am louder, more enthusiastic, more impulsive and decisive, but unable to do things I enjoy for more than a few seconds at a time, and completely airheaded. I repeat lame ass stories, forget things and lose things right left and center, and eat a sh*tton to avoid having to do any one thing for too long a period of time. I hate how I am when I don't take it.
-very worth it. I would like to stop taking it one day, but I don't see this happening without srs counseling and learning methods and tricks to keep myself sane and functional without it.

I should specify that I often just forget to eat at all. I get to into whatever I'm doing and only remember to eat when my stomach starts gurgling at me. I usually eat in the morning when I first take it, after that I feel queasy sometimes, but mostly food just looks like... not food there's no connection. it's like nice looking clothing or a painting of food, plastic fruit etc, I see it it smells nice, I know people eat it, but I experience no instinctive hunger for it until about 18:00 (having taken the medication sometime around 9:00).

uhmm... nicotine?
yeah, I'm way too pu**y to try anything harder, even weed. I smoke because in high school it was ohhhhh sooooo cooool, though now it really helps me to concentrate and such. psychological addiction I suppose. I smoke 5-10 davidoff classics per day.

-salvia divorium
-magic mushrooms
-xtc pills with unknown substance
-the red super mario mushrooms (i forgot how they are called in english xD)

god damnit that makes me feel bad....iam only 17


Sometimes it was prescribed, and sometimes it wasn't. I've noticed that it really only works if I'm in extreme levels of pain that tylenol and advil together won't fix. It just makes me sleepy and relaxed, which is nice when I was previously in sh*t-tons of pain.
I'm not addicted to it, so I don't really feel any different when I'm not on it.
It was definitely worth taking when I needed it.

i took efexxor for a couple days, made me yawn o.O
antidepressants are evil. i prefer confusing symbolism mixed with joys that are NATURAL

It was prescribed so I wouldn't be nervous when I had to get my wisdom teeth out.
That sh*t DID NOT work on me. Of course, I probably wasn't taking enough. My dad told me a whole one zonked him out, but I had a whole one and still managed to freak out. It wore off after the adrenaline kicked in from the anxiety.
I didn't notice any side effects. I was REALLY relaxed until I got nervous, and then it went downhill.
It wasn't really worth it since I was still anxious.

i took efexxor for a couple days, made me yawn o.O
antidepressants are evil. i prefer confusing symbolism mixed with joys that are NATURAL

>came to the conclusion antidepressants are "evil" when you've only taken them for 2 days and all they did was make you yawn.
They take up to a month to work, you must have been prescribed it for a reason, but then again you type like a female so your argument is invalid.

>came to the conclusion antidepressants are "evil" when you've only taken them for 2 days and all they did was make you yawn.
They take up to a month to work, you must have been prescribed it for a reason, but then again you type like a female so your argument is invalid.

i submitted no argument. (imo)
I'm merely of the disposition that natural release and absorption of serotonin is nice if you want to really come to terms with who you are. thats all

Lorazepam (for when I need it)
Prescribed for depression and anxiety. The fifth drugs I've tried now in 11 years (with talking therapy before you jump on me), tried to give them a good go before writing them off as useless.
prozac, amitriptyline, venlafaxine are a few others, I can't remember them all.
microgynon30 to stop me having babies.
I used to sleep 18 hours a day, still incredibly sleepy all the time, mood swings about once a month, I get drunk really easily...the rest just seems normal.

i submitted no argument. (imo)
I'm merely of the disposition that natural release and absorption of serotonin is nice if you want to really come to terms with who you are. thats all

Then come to terms with the fact you're a wh**re who doesn't know any better.

Then come to terms with the fact you're a wh**re who doesn't know any better.

if you're on anti-depressants right now. i can say that they only give you a frightening level of necessary brain function. oh and you're STILL an a**hole

if you're on anti-depressants right now. i can say that they only give you a frightening level of necessary brain function. oh and you're STILL an a**hole

i meant (un)necessary

>Roxecet 30's (For my shoulder, it locks up sometimes along with crucial pain)
>Xanax 2mg Bars (Anxiety problems / attacks)
>Ambience (To sleep)

What medications/drugs have you taken?
- Was it Legal (Prescribed)
- Medication
- What you're taking it for (If Prescribed)
- Your personal side effects (Just ones you noticed)
- How you feel with and without it
- Was it overall worth it, and did it help/feel good
This shall be interesting...

Yes it was legal,
Prozac, and then Wellbutrin.
It seems like since I leveled out along with therapy I can't experience any kind of noticeable emotion without extreme provocation or a situation that you can't help -but- feel something.
I have depression and if a normal person's emotions are a number line with -10 being suicidal and need physical restraint to stop while +10 is so happy you're near a heart attack regardless of age.
I tended to have my emotions sitting at about a -4 to -7 most of the time. But when I was like that and I was happy my emotions would easily get up to a +5 or a +7 if it was a really really good week. Now since taking the prozac for a year, and then wellbutrin for two years I've noticed that I'm almost always at a -1 to +1 and without serious provocation it seems like I can't get anywhere above or below that narrow range. It takes something truly depressing for me to get really down or something f**king amazing for me to be really happy.
i.e. I'm given a brand new ps3 as a birthday gift by someone I've known for a long time. (I don't own a ps3). Most people who want one would be really happy and get to around a +5 or better? Me. +2 and I honestly put on a bit of a farce to my feelings so it looks like I'm really happy so I don't seem weird.
I just feel so f**king apathetic/detached emotionally from most things. It's hard to feel strongly good or bad about most things even when I know I should feel more.
Seems like the meds permanently altered my brain chemistry. I don't want to kill myself anymore... But I don't seem to feel any deep seated positive emotions either. Sh*t sucks, but -is- better than what it was before.

if you take antidepressants you lose intensity in psychedelic experiences (and i'd wager from the natrually occuring DMT in everything you ingest in life)
to lose clarity in possible life enhancing moments would be to lose one's soul. but if you were fated to fry on doctor's drugs for awhile. so be it. the #47 drug metabolizing agent will be up at full steam in a short span <3

i meant (un)necessary

I like you, you're funny and I agree on both counts - he is an a**hole and anti-depressants are EVIL!

Vicodin, 360 x 10mg a month
-yes it was a legal rx.
-was taking it because I managed to BS my doc in to rxing it, if I'm honest
-Felt good man
-Feels good with, feels bad without (withdrawals suck)
-Felt great, the withdrawals were f**king aweful.

I like you, you're funny and I agree on both counts - he is an a**hole and anti-depressants are EVIL!

Say that to someone with crippling depression to the point that they've been in and out of mental hospitals and despite all skepticism regarding the effectiveness of said anti-depressants they managed to not only work, but level them out to the point of being a relatively normal person.
i.e. me. I attempted suicide several times and not for attention. I meant to die both times. People either spotted me in time or someone came home soon enough.
I had been in and out of therapy for about five years with little progression. My parents were against medication but after the second attempt they realized that therapy alone wasn't cutting it. I was on and still am taking Welbutrin at mid level dosage. It seriously has saved me and given me a functional life.
If I tried to proscribe to the method of "all natural" serotonin replacement I'd be dead or still trying to kill myself. F**k you.
Just because something is natural does not make it the best option. If you truly believe all natural is best then consume belladonna.

I like you, you're funny and I agree on both counts - he is an a**hole and anti-depressants are EVIL!

Say that to someone with crippling depression to the point that they've been in and out of mental hospitals and despite all skepticism regarding the effectiveness of said anti-depressants they managed to not only work, but level them out to the point of being a relatively normal person.
i.e. me. I attempted suicide several times and not for attention. I meant to die both times. People either spotted me in time or someone came home soon enough.
I had been in and out of therapy for about five years with little progression. My parents were against medication but after the second attempt they realized that therapy alone wasn't cutting it. I was on and still am taking Welbutrin at mid level dosage. It seriously has saved me and given me a functional life.
If I tried to proscribe to the method of "all natural" serotonin replacement I'd be dead or still trying to kill myself. F**k you.
Just because something is natural does not make it the best option. If you truly believe all natural is best then consume belladonna.

all that aside. submit yourself to what you like (ALLAH SEROTONIN
i'm sorry for coming out with such a harsh position on such a touchy subject as happiness and the way to achieve it
how about this? as i said. let it be. just, as it IS certainly a crutch, develop a replacement

I was just about to start typing a list but I realized it's over 50 or 75 medications so it'd take forever.
Long story short I've been on a f**kload of meds, the best are Fentanyl and Adderall.

all that aside. submit yourself to what you like (ALLAH SEROTONIN
i'm sorry for coming out with such a harsh position on such a touchy subject as happiness and the way to achieve it
how about this? as i said. let it be. just, as it IS certainly a crutch, develop a replacement

There is no replacement for it. That's the thing. Unless I gorged myself on chocolate or some other method of causing my brain chemistry to shift I would still be trying to kill myself. I actually had trouble doing anything but grimacing and periodically sobbing when I was at my worst. I wouldn't have any provocation, no thoughts, just burst into tears and then start going over horrible sh*t in my head -after- the tears started.
There's really no all natural way to counter that.
Also, everyone has a crutch of some kind. Whether it's a drug, an activity, a mindset, a food, a drink, whatever it is you have a crutch of some kind guaranteed.

Effexor Depot:
- legal, prescribed
- ?
- social anxiety, depression
- couldn't c*m
- sort of "numb", didn't help much
- not worth it
- legal, prescribed
- ?
- male pattern baldness
- sex drive dropped, penis sensitivity dropped, some signs of gynecomastia
- ?
- not worth it at all, side effects persisted after quitting, regret ever doing it

There is no replacement for it. That's the thing. Unless I gorged myself on chocolate or some other method of causing my brain chemistry to shift I would still be trying to kill myself. I actually had trouble doing anything but grimacing and periodically sobbing when I was at my worst. I wouldn't have any provocation, no thoughts, just burst into tears and then start going over horrible sh*t in my head -after- the tears started.
There's really no all natural way to counter that.
Also, everyone has a crutch of some kind. Whether it's a drug, an activity, a mindset, a food, a drink, whatever it is you have a crutch of some kind guaranteed.

I didn't mean you should lick leaves and slap them to your forhead by natural.. jusss go ahead and do better things in your life.. i cannot help you here; only you know what these are.
I find it ridiculous to assume that natural selection requires you adopt this ONE CERTAIN chemical compound.

I didn't mean you should lick leaves and slap them to your forhead by natural.. jusss go ahead and do better things in your life.. i cannot help you here; only you know what these are.
I find it ridiculous to assume that natural selection requires you adopt this ONE CERTAIN chemical compound.

Trying to apply natural selection to humanity at this point is just silly. We're so far removed from darwin's idea of evolution that you probably just made him spin in his grave a little bit.
That said.
I spent 5 YEARS in therapy. With multiple therapists who've all since agreed I have one of the worst if not the worst case of clinical depression they've ever seen. No amount of positive thinking or cheerful activities would undo the effects my brain's natural state on my mental/emotional health.
That said the first year or so was spent trying a few different anti-depressant medications to see which ones worked best. Welbutrin is what was settled on. If you meant one chemical as in anti-depressants as a whole then what would you suggest I try and do? I can't take tylenol for wrist cutting.

I self medicated with diacytlmorphine for 7 years. Took it for anxiety and to sleep better, and to just get rid of the bad feelings. Got to the point where if I did'nt have it I would get sick, not so much physical though. It was mental, I would get suicidal. I was shooting about 30 bags a day. When I was on it though, I felt great. The sick part was I was a functioning addict and a much better person than I was sober. It was worth it, I would not be the person I am today without it....

Trying to apply natural selection to humanity at this point is just silly. We're so far removed from darwin's idea of evolution that you probably just made him spin in his grave a little bit.
That said.
I spent 5 YEARS in therapy. With multiple therapists who've all since agreed I have one of the worst if not the worst case of clinical depression they've ever seen. No amount of positive thinking or cheerful activities would undo the effects my brain's natural state on my mental/emotional health.
That said the first year or so was spent trying a few different anti-depressant medications to see which ones worked best. Welbutrin is what was settled on. If you meant one chemical as in anti-depressants as a whole then what would you suggest I try and do? I can't take tylenol for wrist cutting.

yeah yeah, doctors have their little process to find out which pile of w/e you need to spend your money on.
natural selection applies, don't be ignorant. you will pass your intelligence on to the later generations. AGAIN, that being said, do what you need to keep afloat, but be a smartie & develop real world replacements.
chocolate tastes good but cotton candy is better (relevant) \\//\\// (( )) \\//\\//

- Was it Legal (Prescribed)
- Medication
Cipralax (Ecitalopram)
- What you're taking it for (If Prescribed)
- Your personal side effects (Just ones you noticed)
Deeeelayed ejaculation. Girl got tired of sucking my c**k.
- How you feel with and without it
I felt awesome with it.
I feel like sh*t without it. I think I'm going to get back on it.
- Was it overall worth it, and did it help/feel good
Oh yeah. Improved mood, decreased stress.
Tapazole (methimazole) for hyperthyroidism. No side effect, fixes my hormone level so I'm not crazy.
multivitamins + minerals, vitamin D 1000u, and omega-3

I self medicated with diacytlmorphine for 7 years. Took it for anxiety and to sleep better, and to just get rid of the bad feelings. Got to the point where if I did'nt have it I would get sick, not so much physical though. It was mental, I would get suicidal. I was shooting about 30 bags a day. When I was on it though, I felt great. The sick part was I was a functioning addict and a much better person than I was sober. It was worth it, I would not be the person I am today without it....

If it was'nt for the heroin I would not of lived the varied lifestyle I did. I went from being a pauper to a rich man, to middle class. It was a real journey. I was never the sterotypical junkie though. Eventually I met this girl and she gave me the choice of her or the heroin. I choose her. Now, I go to a Methadone Clinic everyday. I am prescribed 100mg of Methadone a day. I have been clean for a long time now. The Methadone has done wonders. Without it I would be f**ked, because street grade heroin and the whole game, its not the drug that f**ks you up, its the cuts and the f**king shady lifestyle. I'm looking great, feeling great, my muscle is back, I havent been depressed in months. Methadone is a real wonder drug.


If it was'nt for the heroin I would not of lived the varied lifestyle I did. I went from being a pauper to a rich man, to middle class. It was a real journey. I was never the sterotypical junkie though. Eventually I met this girl and she gave me the choice of her or the heroin. I choose her. Now, I go to a Methadone Clinic everyday. I am prescribed 100mg of Methadone a day. I have been clean for a long time now. The Methadone has done wonders. Without it I would be f**ked, because street grade heroin and the whole game, its not the drug that f**ks you up, its the cuts and the f**king shady lifestyle. I'm looking great, feeling great, my muscle is back, I havent been depressed in months. Methadone is a real wonder drug.

30 bags is a lot of dope brah. How long did it take you to get to that level?

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